This list starts with November 2023 and goes back in time. The Central Texas C. S. Lewis reading group has been meeting since March 1999. Our more recent readings are listed on the Meetings page. C. S. Lewis is the author unless otherwise noted.

2023/11/26: Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer, Letters 17-22

2023/10/22: Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer, Letters 11-16

2023/09/24: Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer, Letters 6-10

2023/08/27: Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer, Letters 1-5

2023/07/16: Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer on pause to recognize and celebrate longtime member

2023/06/24: Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer, An introduction to our study

2023/05/28: The Medieval Mind of C. S. Lewis by James Baxter, ch 7-8 and conclusion

2023/04/23: The Medieval Mind of C. S. Lewis by James Baxter, ch 5-6, plus “Transposition” by CSL

2023/03/26: The Medieval Mind of C. S. Lewis by James Baxter, ch 3-4

2023/02/26: The Medieval Mind of C. S. Lewis by James Baxter, Introduction and ch 1-2

2023/01/22: Favorite C. S. Lewis Quotations and Short Passages


2022/11/27: “The Story of a Half Sovereign” by Albert Lewis, C. S. Lewis’s father (accessible through

2022/10/23: “The Midnight Conversation” (a current imagining of Lewis’s 1931 conversation with Tolkien and Dyson) (first meeting at Monkey Nest Coffee)

2022/09/25: “The Midnight Conversation” (a current imagining of Lewis’s 1931 conversation with Tolkien and Dyson)

2022/08/28: “Screwtape Proposes a Toast” (a work written after the publication of The Screwtape Letters)

2022/07/24: “The Poison of Subjectivism”

2022/06: No meeting

2022/05/22: That Hideous Strength

2022/04/24: That Hideous Strength (follow up to our reading of The Abolition of Man)

2022/03/27: The Great Divorce

2022/02/27: The Horse and His Boy

2022/01/23: Black Beauty by Anna Sewell


2021/11/28: Michael Ward via Zoom on his book After Humanity: A Guide to C. S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man

2021/10/24: The Abolition of Man, Ch 3 “The Abolition of Man” (first meeting at The Pour House)

2021/09/26: The Abolition of Man, Ch 2 “The Way.” Also: The Lion That Roared, conclusion, a children’s book by Joel Heck & daughter (virtual May2020-Sep2021)

2021/08/22: The Abolition of Man, Ch 1 “Men Without Chests.” Also: After Humanity by Michael Ward

2021/07/25: The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. Also: The Lion That Roared, ch 10-11, a children’s book by Joel Heck & daughter

2021/06/27: Letters to Children edited by Lyle W. Dorsett and Marjorie Lamp Mead. Also: The Lion That Roared, ch 8-9, a children’s book by Joel Heck & daughter

2021/05/23: “Saving Belief” by Austin Farrer. Also: Socratic Digest essays. Also: The Lion That Roared, ch 6-7, a children’s book by Joel Heck & daughter

2021/04/25: “Austin Ferrer: A Hawk Among the Sparrows” by Joel Heck, published in CSL, the NYCSL newsletter

2021/03/28: The Lion That Roared, ch 2-3, a children’s book by Joel Heck & daughter

2021/02/28: The Lion That Roared, ch 1, a children’s book by Joel Heck & daughter

2021/01/24: “Prudence and the Pandemic” by Rob Koons


2020/11-12: No meetings

2020/10/25: “Learning in Wartime” and “The World’s Last Night” Also: Preface to Mere Christianity [Lewis and Peacemaking was the theme]

2020/09/27: C. S. Lewis and the Craft of Communication by Steve Beebe (chapters 6-9) presented by Steve Beebe

2020/08/23: C. S. Lewis and the Craft of Communication by Steve Beebe (chapters 1-5) presented by Steve Beebe

2020/07/26: The Life of C. S. Lewis in Photos presented by Joel Heck

2020/06/28: Looking for the King: An Inklings Novel by David Downing, presented by David Downing:

2020/05/24: C. S. Lewis quotes and books

2020/03-04: No meetings

2020/02/23: “Sir Walter Scott”

2020/01/26: “De Descriptione Temporum” | Jane Austen exhibit at the Harry Ransom Center UT (back at GJ)


2019/12: No meeting

2019/11/26: The Allegory of Love by Lewis and The Romance of the Rose by Jean de Meun, Guillaume de Lorris

2019/10/27: The Allegory of Love by Lewis and The Romance of the Rose by Jean de Meun, Guillaume de Lorris

2019/09/22: The Allegory of Love (ch1-2) by Lewis and The Romance of the Rose by Jean de Meun, Guillaume de Lorris

2019/08/25: The Abolition of Man

2019/07/28: Janie Moore essay by Joel Heck

2019/06: No meeting

2019/05/26: That Hideous Strength (#11 of one-year C. S. Lewis science fiction reading plan)

2019/04/28: That Hideous Strength (#11 of one-year C. S. Lewis science fiction reading plan)

2019/03/24: Perelandra and That Hideous Strength (#10-11of one-year C. S. Lewis science fiction reading plan)

2019/02/24: Perelandra (#10 of one-year C. S. Lewis science fiction reading plan)

2019/01/27: Out of the Silent Planet (#9 of one-year C. S. Lewis science fiction reading plan)


2018/12/08: The Man Born to Be King, “Kings in Judaea” by Dorothy Sayers (We met at Lamppost Coffee in Round Rock and read Scenes 1-2 aloud.)

2018/11/25: “On Science Fiction” and “Unreal Estates” (#8 of one-year C. S. Lewis science fiction reading plan)

2018/10/28: Childhood’s End by Arthur C. Clarke (#6 of one-year C. S. Lewis science fiction reading plan)

2018/09/23: A Voyage to Arcturus by David Lindsay (#5 of one-year C. S. Lewis science fiction reading plan)

2018/08/26: Last and First Men by Olaf Stapledon (#4 of one-year C. S. Lewis science fiction reading plan)

2018/07/22: The Time Machine by H. G. Wells (#3 of one-year C. S. Lewis science fiction reading plan)

2018/06/24: The First Men in the Moon by H. G. Wells (#2 of one-year C. S. Lewis science fiction reading plan. We met at St. Francis Anglican Church.)

2018/05/27: Wade Center talk “Arthur C. Clarke, Mary Shelley, and Arthur Greeves” by Joel Heck (We met at Genuine Joe Coffee.)

2018/04/22: Plato’s dialogues: Apology, Phaedo, and Crito

2018/03/25: Plato’s dialogue: Symposium

2018/02/25: The Discarded Image, Ch VIII (discussion led by George Musacchio)

2018/01/28: The Discarded Image, Ch VII-VIII (discussion led by George Musacchio) (Note: changed from Yahoo mail to CTCSLSociety gmail)


2017/12: No meeting

2017/11/26: The Discarded Image, Ch VI (discussion led by George Musacchio)

2017/10/22: The Discarded Image, Ch V, “The Heavens” (discussion led by George Musacchio)

2017/09/24: The Discarded Image, Ch IV-V (discussion led by George Musacchio)

2017/08/27: The Discarded Image, Ch III (discussion led by George Musacchio)

2017/07/23: From Atheism to Christianity: The Story of C. S. Lewis by Joel Heck (conclusion)

2017/06: No meeting

2017/05/28: From Atheism to Christianity: The Story of C. S. Lewis by Joel Heck (beginning)

2017/04/23: The Discarded Image, Ch II (discussion led by George Musacchio)

2017/03/26: The Discarded Image, Preface-Ch I (discussion led by George Musacchio)

2017/02/26: “On Fairy-Stories” by J. R. R. Tolkien

2017/01/29: The Four Loves, “Agape”


2016/12: No meeting

2016/11/27: The Four Loves, “Eros”

2016/10: No meeting (room unavailable)

2016/09/25: The Four Loves, “Friendship”

2016/08/28: The Four Loves

2016/07/31: God in the Dock selected essays

2016/06/26: God in the Dock seven selected essays

2016/05/29: C. S. Lewis’s Book List: Theism and Humanism, ch 10, Balfour

2016/04/24: C. S. Lewis’s Book List: Descent into Hell by Charles Williams

2016/03: No meeting (Andrew Lazo and Michael Ward speak at Texas State University)

2016/02/28: C. S. Lewis’s Book List: The Life of Samuel Johnson by Boswell

2016/01/31: C. S. Lewis’s Book List: The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius


2015/12/27: The Man Born to Be King: “Kings in Judaea” by Dorothy Sayers (read aloud)

2015/11/29: C. S. Lewis’s Book List: The Idea of the Holy by Rudolf Otto (Nov 29 is CSL’s birthday)

2015/10/26: C. S. Lewis’s Book List: The Prelude by William Wordsworth

2015/09/27: C. S. Lewis’s Book List: The Temple by George Herbert

2015/08/30: C. S. Lewis’s Book List: The Aeneid by Virgil

2015/07: No meeting

2015/06/28: C. S. Lewis’s Book List: The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton

2015/05/31: C. S. Lewis’s Book List: Phantastes by George MacDonald; “Miracles” and “On the Transmission of Christianity” from God in the Dock

2015/04/26: “Religion and Science,” “Miserable Offenders,” and “First and Second Things” from God in the Dock

2015/03/29: “God in the Dock"“ and “Myth Became Fact” from God in the Dock

2015/02/22: C. S. Lewis vs The New Atheists by Peter Williams

2015/01/25: The Christian World of The Hobbit by Devin Brown


2014/12: The Battle of the Five Armies movie at theater

2014/11/30: Mere Education by Mark Pike; manuscript for C. S. Lewis: Atheist, Ch 5, by Joel Heck

2014/10/26: Romania C. S. Lewis conference, a ppt report from Joel Heck

2014/09/28: The Most Reluctant Convert by David Downing; also Joel’s manuscript for CSL Atheist, ch 2

2014/08/24: Conclude Tolkien’s translation of Beowulf; also Joel’s manuscript for CSL Atheist, ch 1

2014/07/27: Begin Tolkien’s translation of Beowulf

2014/06/29: St. Thomas Aquinas by G. K. Chesterton

2014/05/25: Dymer

2014/04/27: “The Liberal Arts as an Antidote to Atheism” by Joel Heck

2014/03/30: Loki Bound

2014/02/23: no record

2014/01/26: “C. S. Lewis: Master Communicator” by Steve Beebe


2013/12: The Hobbit movie, part 2 of 3

2013/11/24: 50th Anniversary of Lewis’s death (Nov 22, 1963); Lewis readings & Surprised by Joy

2013/10/27: Spirits in Bondage

2013/09/29: The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton

2013/08/25: The Pilgrim’s Regress, conclude discussion

2013/07/28: The Pilgrim’s Regress, begin discussion

2013/06/30: The Intellectual World of C. S. Lewis by Alister McGrath

2013/05/26: “Modern Theology and Biblical Criticism”

2013/04/28: C. S. Lewis: A Life by Alister McGrath

2013/03: no meeting

2013/02/24: The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser

2013/01/27: Joel & Cheryl Heck: Cambridge Sabbatical, Sept-Dec 2012

2012/12: The Hobbit (view movie at theater)

2012/11/26: The Hobbit (discuss book)

2012/10/28: Review of Jerry Root’s retreat

2012/09/30: Books by Jerry Root, including The Quotable C. S. Lewis (Martindale and Root) and The Discarded Image by Lewis

2012/08/26: The Four Loves Ch 5-6

2012/07/29: The Four Loves Ch 1-4

2012/06/24: Till We Have Faces Part 2 of 2

2012/05/27: Till We Have Faces Part 1 of 2

2012/04/29: “Meditation in a Toolshed”

2012/03/25: The Narnia Code by Michael Ward, Part 2 of 2

2012/02/26: The Narnia Code by Michael Ward, Part 1 of 2

2012/01/29: Miracles


2010/07/25: Dante’s Divine Comedy: Purgatorio, Cantos 19-33; Miracles, Ch 4: “Nature and Supernature;” An Experiment in Criticism, a reading by Claire.

2010/06/27: Dante’s Divine Comedy: Purgatorio, Cantos 1-18; Miracles, Ch 5: “A Further Difficulty in Naturalism”

2010/05/30: Dante’s Divine Comedy: Inferno, Cantos 21-34

2010/04/25: Dante’s Divine Comedy: Inferno, Cantos 11-20; Miracles, Ch 2: “The Naturalist and the Supernaturalist”

2010/03/28: Dante’s Divine Comedy: Inferno, Cantos 1-10; Miracles, Ch 1: “The Scope of the Book”

2010/02/28: The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius

2010/01/31: The Discarded Image, conclusion

2009/12: no meeting

2009/11/29: “Guns and Good Company” presented by Joel Heck

2009/10/25: The Discarded Image, beginning of book

2009/09/27: Out of the Silent Planet

2009/08/30: Peralandra,

2009/07/26: A Preface to Paradise Lost

2009/06/28: John Milton’s Paradise Lost, Books 10-12

2009/05/31: John Milton’s Paradise Lost, Book 9

2009/04/26: John Milton’s Paradise Lost, Books 5-8

2009/03/29: John Milton’s Paradise Lost, Books 1-4

2009/02/22: The Personal Heresy

2009/01/25: Lewis news and favorite quotes; planning for John Milton’s Paradise Lost


2008/10/26: The Screwtape Letters

2008/09/28: The Screwtape Letters, con’t

2008/08/31: Book signing The Personal Heresy, reprinted by Joel Heck & Concordia Univ Press; update on Screwtape Letters movie script

2008/07/27: Planet Narnia by Michael Ward; Affectionately Yours, Screwtape: The Devil and C. S. Lewis DVD 52-min video directed by Tom Dallis

2008/06/29: Discussion of Prince Caspian movie; Screwtape ideas

2008/05: Attend movie version of Prince Caspian

2008/04/27: Prince Caspian, book version (We met at One American Center, David’s offices.)

2008/03/30: Plato’s Republic, Books 1, 2, 7 (note: Michael Ward at Concordia on Wednesday, April 16)

2008/02/24: “On Fairy Stories” by J. R. R. Tolkien

2008/01/27: On Stories by C. S. Lewis











The Central Texas C. S. Lewis reading group has been meeting since March 1999. I am in the process of adding texts to this page. The author is C. S. Lewis unless otherwise noted.

Reading History